Communicate! It’s important! Explain change! Tell your people what’s going on!
See what I did there?
TELL. Tell your people about the change. Tell them about the goals and objectives. Tell them what’s expected of them.
But telling ain’t communicating, it’s announcing.
Even though that’s how so many leaders approach the all-important and admittedly essential need to … communicate.
I’ve written about and YouTubed about how so much so-called “communication” is really top-down telling.
It bears repeating. (Especially since, okay, I admit it: I’m rather fond of my new made-up word “communi-tell”.)
Change is scary. And when leaders communi-tell about change, without taking the time to have conversations with the people most affected by that change – the people who have to do the work to make it happen, the people who have to change how they do the work because of the change – then they’re missing out on a lot of valuable insight.
Conversations lead to improvements.
Communi-telling leads to resistance.
It really is that simple.
How to have the conversations is the question, though, right? How do you get to the insights that create improvements and decrease resistance? Drop me a note through my contact form and we’ll set a time to have a conversation – not a sales pitch!