Authenticity is one of those words. There’s a lot of talk about it, it’s become a buzzword in management and leadership, and … what does it actually mean? Obviously (I hope!) it’s not “letting it all hang out.” TMI (too much information) is still TMI, no matter how “authentic” someone’s experience and feelings may be. It may be completely authentic …
Microaggressions, gaslighting, and other toxicities
I wrote this article for my LinkedIn newsletter The Leadership Leap. I don’t typically cross-post LinkedIn articles here on my blog, but this is an important topic, so I felt it deserved to be here as well as there. See the end of the article for links to subscribe to the Leap. There’s nothing “micro” about an endless stream of …
Is there room for Captain Obvious?
So much of what I see written about leadership, management, and corporate life in publications such as Harvard Business Review, FORTUNE magazine, Fast Company, and others, seems startlingly obvious to me. “Aye, aye, Captain Obvious”-level obvious. Yet these are well-respected, even venerated, publications. Which makes me wonder: maybe I’m missing something. (Who, me?!) It seems some things require repetition for us …
The power of a Pink Elephant
“Don’t think of a pink elephant!” The problem, of course, is that you first have to think of what a pink elephant is before you can “not think” of it. On one of Brené Brown’s recent podcast episodes, she mentioned training lifeguards. They were taught to say “Please walk!” instead of “Don’t run!” Apparently, every time the whistle blew and someone …
A different end-of-year question
It’s coming up to the end of the year. Which means there must be the obligatory end-of-year article, right? But let’s look at things a little differently. I tend to notice (or at least, I try to notice) when I’m hearing the same message from multiple sources – and recently two people whose opinions and ideas I respect have been …
Everyday acts of everyday leadership
What’s one leadership quality you have? Think for a moment. What is it? Some of you reading this may immediately come up with a whole list. Good for you. Congratulations. But some of you reading this may be drawing a blank. Or maybe you can think of something, but you’re not sure if it’s actually a leadership quality, since you’re not …
“You’re fired” and other tales of psychological safety
The first thing I did when I was promoted to project manager was to ask my team to tell me if there were problems or delays, instead of waiting until things reached a crisis point. Looking back, I was at least attempting to create psychological safety in a company where that wasn’t exactly the norm. Long before anyone was fired …
Got productivity paranoia?
There’s an old, old saying: it’s not paranoia if someone really is after you. And hybrid or fully remote work is definitely causing some companies to “come after” their employees with monitoring tools that track what those employees are doing. As one website proclaims, “Employee monitoring software is an essential tool for business owners who want to verify that employees …
The day I yelled at an employee…
“Just do it!” I had reached the end of my patience. And I wasn’t quoting Nike. At the time, I was the Director of the consulting division at a mid-sized software company. And the client wanted us to do something in their installation that wasn’t the best option. I’d done what I could to convince them to take the better way, …
Yes, I’m writing about it: the Roe v. Wade decision
Many years ago when I was in college, I went with a friend to her abortion appointment. I cannot imagine what her life would have been like – hers and her boyfriend’s, who was 100% supportive – if she hadn’t been able to get an abortion. Much more recently, a young woman I know got an abortion, under circumstances I’ll …