Who are you?

Who are you? It’s one of those existential things that many – myself included – grapple with. My husband has been known to frown in introspective perplexity and say, “I don’t even know who I am!” I’m sure that’s something most of us can identify with – again, myself included. Especially post-pandemic, when we all questioned a lot of things …

Culture, identity, and change

All change is culture change. And all culture includes identity. Two simple statements with a lot to consider. Let’s unpack them. All change is culture change This one is fairly simple to explain, though not so simple in practice. Any time you change how something is done – whether it’s a systems change, a process change, a reorganization, new technology, …

The power of identity to influence change

There’s an often-overlooked factor that significantly influences how change works. Identity We all have a sense of identity – that’s not new news. But it’s not just us as individuals; it’s also teams, departments, and entire corporations, even very large and very small corporations. This sense of identity is a powerful factor in how we – individually or as an …