The Amazing, Astounding Power of Words

If you know ancient myths and fairy tales at all, you know that knowing someone’s “true name” gives you power over them. This isn’t as far-fetched as you might imagine. Words form identity, and identity is at the root of culture, in organizations, teams, communities, and families. Culture change starts by identifying where you are so you know what needs …

Culture, identity, and change

All change is culture change. And all culture includes identity. Two simple statements with a lot to consider. Let’s unpack them. All change is culture change This one is fairly simple to explain, though not so simple in practice. Any time you change how something is done – whether it’s a systems change, a process change, a reorganization, new technology, …

Looking at Trust (a little differently)

The more I think about it, the more convinced I am: trust is essential for a good culture. (I know. Obvious, once it’s down in print, right?) And this is true whether we’re talking about a company, a team, a family, a community – anywhere where there’s more than one person. (Hmm. More than one person? Maybe trust within and …

Trust, Change, and Timing

“Trust is the mechanism that absorbs uncertainty.” That quote – which I heard on David Lancefield’s excellent leadership podcast Lancefield on the Line, the episode in which he interviewed Dr. Marcus Collins – kinda blew my mind. It expresses so much, so simply. In fact, I’m seriously tempted to just stop this article right here (is it an article if …

The lingering scent of … problems

I bought a new-to-me used car about five years ago. It’s a good car. I like it, it’s got plenty of space for the dog, it drives well, and it gets decent gas mileage. The previous owner clearly loved her perfume. After five years, the car still stinks has a distinctly perfumey scent. Even my husband, who’s (yay for him) much …

What’s your take on values?

Serious question: What’s your take on values? How do you identify them and then commit to them? Is there a process you’ve used, or have you simply gone with what feels right? I’ve wrangled with this for years now, even as I’ve worked with clients to identify their values and help them integrate those values into their work, business, and …

Why won’t they change?

I know it’s hard to believe, but there are people in this world who refuse to change. (Yes, that was me being Captain Obvious.) They know they’re stuck in ways of thinking and acting that don’t support their career or their life, but they say things like, “I’m too old to change” (which I’ve heard from people in their 40s), …

But what can one manager do?

During a recent podcast interview (which I’ll post when it’s released), I was asked a tough question: If you’re working for a company that has, let’s say, a somewhat questionable culture, where it’s not as safe as it might be to raise questions or make mistakes, it’s easy to think that you’re stuck: your options are to either accept the …

Delegating Decisions

There’s more to delegation than, “Here, do this thing.” A lot more. But we typically don’t think of it beyond, well, “Here, do this thing.” But what about delegating decisions? Yikes. Scary, right? What if they decide wrongly, and it comes back on you? Two reasons to delegate decisions – despite the risks The obvious reason: you’re developing and growing …

The Hyde Effect in leadership

Remember Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? The mad scientist and his evil alter ego? A long time ago, I wrote an article on the “Jekyll & Hyde” effect of being promoted into leadership. It was mostly about how a leadership perspective on everything from strategy to budget is different – and rightly so – from the perspective of the individual …